Building UI using JavaScript Classes

Introduction Classes are fundamental to Object Oriented Programming. In our applications, it is very common to use Classes for business objects, data transfer objects etc. and today we will see how we can use classes to build a User Interface for front-end projects. Modern UI frameworks such as Angular, React etc. are already using classes … Read more

Extending functionality using Decorator Pattern (C#)

Introduction The decorator pattern is a structural design pattern which allows you to dynamically add functionality to classes without modifying the target class. It does this by creating a wrapper around the original class, which gives you an extension point to inject in new behavior. It allows you to maintain a strong separation of concerns … Read more

Structure JavaScript Code using Classes

Introduction Classes are fundamental to Object Oriented Programming (OOP). You can think of a class as a blueprint to create objects. OOP in JavaScript is different than classical OOP as it uses prototypes rather than classes. ES6 classes are a syntax shortcut for a common JavaScript pattern used to simulate classes. If you have worked … Read more

Object Orientation and Fallacies of Perception

Introduction Object oriented programming is the one of the great grandfathers of modern software development techniques. Think about this. Term “Object-Oriented Programming” (OOP) was coined by Alan Kay in 1966 or 1967 while he was at grad school.! Lyndon B. Johnson was US president. Before email, cell phones and other tech goodies which we have … Read more