Use NGINX to Serve .NET Core, Nodejs or Static contents

Introduction NGINX is a high-performance HTTP server as well as a reverse proxy. Unlike traditional servers, NGINX follows an event-driven, asynchronous architecture. As a result, the memory footprint is low and performance is high. If you’re running a Node.js-based web app, or .NET Core Web Application, you should seriously consider using NGINX as a reverse … Read more

Building Charts using C3.js

In this post, I will show you how to build charts in your web application using C3.js reusable charting library. Introduction C3.js is D3.js (D3 = Data Driven Document) based JavaScript chart library. It is simple to use, customizable and provides a nice API. It can be used to create visualizations using SVG, HTML & … Read more

Combining Linux Bash Commands

Introduction In few previous posts on Ubuntu and Linux commands, we saw few of the useful commands. In this post, we will learn few more Linux commands and also learn how to pipe these commands together to build a powerful customized tool from small simple building blocks. But before we start combining/piping commands together, lets … Read more

Observer Pattern using JavaScript

Introduction Observer pattern is simply a publish/subscribe relationship. Like a person of interest we have an object of interest which we call subject or publisher and then we have interested parties and these parties are called observers or subscribers. Subject have something to say and observers are there interested in that saying. When we arrange our code … Read more