Object Orientation and Fallacies of Perception

Introduction Object oriented programming is the one of the great grandfathers of modern software development techniques. Think about this. Term “Object-Oriented Programming” (OOP) was coined by Alan Kay in 1966 or 1967 while he was at grad school.! Lyndon B. Johnson was US president. Before email, cell phones and other tech goodies which we have … Read more

Publish and Deploy Angular and .NET Core Applications as a Single Unit

In this post I will talk about the basics of publishing and deploying Angular and .Net Core Web applications as a single Unit. In my scenario, I already have a web application built using .Net Core, Angular and Entity Framework and I will use this application for deployment purposes. You can instead use your own … Read more

Build Accounting Application Using .NET Core, Angular and Entity-Framework

So, in 2016, I was discussing the double-entry accounting rules with one of my friend to understand it better in order to program it in a line of business application. However the accounting part was very small and it was mainly a call to external API or something like that. I had read accounting in … Read more