Parcel JS – A Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler

Introduction JavaScript world has many great tools to assist us in building our applications with ease. One of the common tool in any JavaScript developer’s toolkit is a bundler. You may be already using one for your existing development activities. In this post, we will learn about Parcel. The official website mention it as a … Read more

Structure JavaScript – Building a Simple Data Service

Introduction Data is the life blood of any application. Most of the times, applications are busy doing data operations. Those can be reading, writing, updating or deleting data along with some other business specific data operations. In a typical client/server applications, data can requested from the backend server and then client application use it for … Read more

Structure JavaScript Code using Classes

Introduction Classes are fundamental to Object Oriented Programming (OOP). You can think of a class as a blueprint to create objects. OOP in JavaScript is different than classical OOP as it uses prototypes rather than classes. ES6 classes are a syntax shortcut for a common JavaScript pattern used to simulate classes. If you have worked … Read more

Structure JavaScript Code Using Modules

Introduction Most people (including myself) start out writing JavaScript code by adding function after function into a .js or HTML file. This can get job done but same time can quickly get out of control when working with a lot of code. Without having proper structure, maintaining such code bases, can be a nightmare and … Read more

AWS CLI Basics – Part 3

Introduction In previous posts on this topic, we learned how to install, configure and use AWS CLI. We also learned how to create a static S3 based website using AWS CLI. Today’s we’ll learn few basics about IAM Users, Groups and permission management. Creating IAM Users is a very common task, however managing each individual … Read more

AWS CLI – Basics

Introduction You might be using AWS Web Console for managing your infrastructure. However, AWS Web Console is really ideal for once in a while kind of tasks. As you get more serious about building your AWS footprint, you’ll need to automate. Meet AWS CLI, that makes it relatively easy to launch any AWS action from … Read more