Real-Time Web using SignalR (.NET6, Browser-Client and NodeJS)

Introduction ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time web functionality to applications. It enables server-side code to push content to clients instantly. Maps, Dashboards, Chat systems, Collaborate apps and different type of push notifications etc. are few of the good candidates for real-time functionality / SignalR. In this post, we’ll see … Read more

Using Reflection in C# – Part 2

Introduction In part-1 of this series, we started our journey with reflection basics. We learned that Reflection is the process by which a software can observe and modify its own structure and behavior. For that to happen, we need helper objects to dynamically create instance of a type, bind the type to an existing object … Read more

Using Reflection in C#

Introduction Reflection is a process or mechanism by which a software can observe and alter its own structure and behavior at run-time. It is a powerful capability offered by different programming languages / frameworks and it helps us building extendable systems, plugins and dynamic behaviors which are not easy to implement in a typical strongly-typed … Read more