React Demos – Episode2 – Ajax Data Loading

Introduction This is the second post in this series of React Demos. You can check the previous post on this link. Making Ajax calls and performing CRUD operations are very common in web development. In this post we’ll load data from public APIs and display it in react components. Show Bitcoin Price We’ll start with … Read more

Building and Deploying a SignalR Chat Application – Part 2

Introduction In previous post we discussed the frontend component of SignalR chat application. Today our focus will be on the backend side of the application. Previous posts can be accessed from the following links All the source code is available from GitHub repository (signalrchat branch). you can also check the deployed application on Recap Following picture from … Read more

Building and Deploying a SignalR Chat Application – Part 1

Introduction In previous post on topic of Real-Time Web using SignalR we discussed how this library simplifies adding real-time web functionality to applications. Today, we will continue forward from our previous learning and start setup a very simple chat application. Furthermore, to cover topics on frontend, backend and deployment, following structure is planned: So, lets … Read more

Real-Time Web using SignalR (.NET6, Browser-Client and NodeJS)

Introduction ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time web functionality to applications. It enables server-side code to push content to clients instantly. Maps, Dashboards, Chat systems, Collaborate apps and different type of push notifications etc. are few of the good candidates for real-time functionality / SignalR. In this post, we’ll see … Read more

AWS Cognito and Web Applications – Protecting and Accessing APIs (JavaScript and .NET Core)

Introduction A typical web application consists of a frontend (HTML, JavaScript, CSS), a backend (e.g. REST API) and database for persistence. Frontend typically communicate over REST calls to the backend for services. Token based authentication is a very common way to manage authentication and authorization information back and forth in the web applications. Applications need … Read more

AWS Cognito – Web Application Integration Basics

Introduction In previous post on AWS Cognito Basics – User Pools. we covered the basics of AWS Cognito and also created a User pool. Following is the recap: Recap AWS Cognito lets you add user sign-up, sign-in and access-control to your web and mobile apps quickly and easily: User pools are user directories. Signup and … Read more

Migrate On-Prem Web app (.NET Core, Angular and Postgres) – to AWS Serverless

Introduction I’ve previously written about various AWS services and how using serverless offerings results in great development experience, reduce management overhead and applications can benefit from various out-of-the-box features such as high-availability, performance and cost optimization. Today, we will see a simple workflow to port an existing .NET core application which was designed to run … Read more

React.js Basics — Part 4 (for starters and Angular Developers)

Introduction In this post, we will resume our journey of learning React.js with few more examples. In this session, we will cover following topics: Generic Table Component React one-way Data Flow First item is mainly an enhancement on the code, which we wrote in previous session (showing vehicles data in a table). This will result … Read more

React.js Basics – Part 3 (for starters and Angular Developers)

Introduction In previous posts, we learned few react basics and build couple of simple components. we also learned about few resources available online to help speed up react learning. In todays posts, we will take few more steps and cover the followings: Refactoring Overview React Hooks Introduction (useState Hook) React Router Refactoring Overview Lets start … Read more