Angular – Creating a New App

Introduction Angular is a framework for dynamic web applications. It provides a way to organize your HTML, JavaScript and CSS to keep your front-end code clean. An Angular app is an interaction of the following Angular artifacts In this post, we will create a very simple angular application using angular-cli. Steps Install npm Install Angular … Read more

Migrate On-Prem Web app (.NET Core, Angular and Postgres) – to AWS Serverless

Introduction I’ve previously written about various AWS services and how using serverless offerings results in great development experience, reduce management overhead and applications can benefit from various out-of-the-box features such as high-availability, performance and cost optimization. Today, we will see a simple workflow to port an existing .NET core application which was designed to run … Read more

React.js Basics — Part 4 (for starters and Angular Developers)

Introduction In this post, we will resume our journey of learning React.js with few more examples. In this session, we will cover following topics: Generic Table Component React one-way Data Flow First item is mainly an enhancement on the code, which we wrote in previous session (showing vehicles data in a table). This will result … Read more

React.js Basics (for starters and Angular Developers)

Introduction JavaScript world has seen some great libraries, frameworks and practices throughout its history. Jquery is one of the great library when it comes to JavaScript development. Everyone knows popularity of jQuery and the ease it provides to build rich client-side applications. Later, jQuery UI was developed and jQuery plugins eco-system resulted in great many … Read more

Deploying a Web Application to Kubernetes – Basics

Introduction I have previously written few posts on Kubernetes basics. There we covered some building blocks and how to get started with it. Here is the high level information about the core Kubernetes resources: you can read more details about these from the following earlier posts: We have done some demos in those posts. However, … Read more

Token Based Security: Angular Applications – Part 3

Introduction In previous post of this series, we configured our Angular application as a client of IdnentityServer and completed the login/logout process. However even though user was logged-in, the REST API calls were still not authorized: In this post, we will authorize HTTP calls by passing bearer token as an Authorization Header. Now, if you … Read more

Token Based Security: Angular Applications – Part 2

Introduction In previous post, on the topic of Token Based Security, we created an API endpoint and protect it (using Authorize attribute) with IdentityServer. Then we setup a simple Angular application with an AuthService to use oidc-client library. We also created few angular components and at the end of previous post, we created two buttons … Read more

Token Based Security: Angular Applications

Introduction I have written few posts on token based security, its importance, OAUTH, OIDC and IdentityServer. You can check previous post if you are new to these topics. Today, I will write about how to secure angular application with these technologies. We will see how to wire Angular application with IdentityServer. Angular application is a … Read more

Publish and Deploy Angular and .NET Core Applications as a Single Unit

In this post I will talk about the basics of publishing and deploying Angular and .Net Core Web applications as a single Unit. In my scenario, I already have a web application built using .Net Core, Angular and Entity Framework and I will use this application for deployment purposes. You can instead use your own … Read more