If you open power-shell it will by default show you the full directory path on the prompt and sometimes it take up a whole lot of screen real estate. Following picture shows when I use powershell for git commands. Notice the long directory path in prompt before the command:

I find it very annoying when I am deep inside directory structure and in this post I will share with you how you can shorten it easily.
Step-1: Powershell profile
You have to customize the prompt function in your PowerShell profile (%userprofile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1); it may be blank or even not exist if you have never modified it before.
Open PowerShell and type >> $profile
and hit enter
this will show you the path for your powershell profile. In my case this path and file was not present on my computer. So I create the folder and an empty powershell file as follows:

If you already have this file present on your machine, you can skip this profile creation step.
Step-2: Modify the Powershell profile
Add the following to your powwershell profile:
function prompt {
$p = Split-Path -leaf -path (Get-Location)
"$p> "
Save the profile and Restart Powershell.
If you get a message that says you are not allowed to run scripts, then you need to copy/paste this line in PowerShell:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
and restart.
Once you have done above mentioned steps. Your powershell promopt will be signficantly shorten (in this case only shows the current directory in the prompt).

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