NgRx – Strongly Typing the Actions


This is the third post on topic of NgRx. Previous two posts are available on the following links

In this post, we’ll cover how to strongly type our actions.

In NgRx world, its the action that makes the application go. When user click something, we kick-off an action. Need to load data, we kick-off an action. User updates a value and click save, we kick-off another action.

The result of the action is often a change of state.

But lets first see how our actions are currently setup

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With this, we’ve wired-up few actions in our application. We’ll end this post at this point.


In this post we continued with our learning of NgRx with angular and learned what role actions play in our application. We also wired-up few actions in sample application.

Following are few links related to this post

Let me know if you have questions and/or comments. Till next time, Happy Coding!

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