Building and Deploying a SignalR Chat Application – Part 2

Introduction In previous post we discussed the frontend component of SignalR chat application. Today our focus will be on the backend side of the application. Previous posts can be accessed from the following links All the source code is available from GitHub repository (signalrchat branch). you can also check the deployed application on Recap Following picture from … Read more

Building and Deploying a SignalR Chat Application – Part 1

Introduction In previous post on topic of Real-Time Web using SignalR we discussed how this library simplifies adding real-time web functionality to applications. Today, we will continue forward from our previous learning and start setup a very simple chat application. Furthermore, to cover topics on frontend, backend and deployment, following structure is planned: So, lets … Read more

Real-Time Web using SignalR (.NET6, Browser-Client and NodeJS)

Introduction ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time web functionality to applications. It enables server-side code to push content to clients instantly. Maps, Dashboards, Chat systems, Collaborate apps and different type of push notifications etc. are few of the good candidates for real-time functionality / SignalR. In this post, we’ll see … Read more

Using Reflection in C# – Part 2

Introduction In part-1 of this series, we started our journey with reflection basics. We learned that Reflection is the process by which a software can observe and modify its own structure and behavior. For that to happen, we need helper objects to dynamically create instance of a type, bind the type to an existing object … Read more

Using Reflection in C#

Introduction Reflection is a process or mechanism by which a software can observe and alter its own structure and behavior at run-time. It is a powerful capability offered by different programming languages / frameworks and it helps us building extendable systems, plugins and dynamic behaviors which are not easy to implement in a typical strongly-typed … Read more

Communication using Named Pipes (.NET)

Introduction Named Pipes are a mechanism for instant messaging between processes. Following diagram shows a simple communication setup using Named Pipes: The Server open a named pipe. A client can listen to that pipe. The client will receive message in real-time, the server send to the pipe. The client must know the name of the … Read more