Kubernetes Basics – Deployments

Introduction In previous posts on Kubernetes basics, We learned that Kubernetes is all about running containerized apps. A Kubernetes cluster consists of masters and nodes which we can manage through an API using kubectl command line tool. We also learned that Pods are the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes API and Pod hosts the container(s). … Read more

Kubernetes Basics – Services

Introduction In previous two posts on Kubernestes basics, we covered some fundamental concepts, a high level overview and then started working with Kubernetes cluster and Pods. We learned that Kubernetes is all about running containerized apps. A Kubernetes cluster consists of masters and nodes which we can manage through an API using kubectl command line … Read more

Kubernetes Basics – Pods

Introduction In previous post about Kubernetes basics, we learned that a kubernetes cluster is made of masters and nodes. Masters contains the cluster control plane and nodes are where we run our applications (containers). We also learned about workload objects in kubernetes such as Pods, services and deployments. Today, we will learn more about pods, … Read more

Kubernetes Basics

Introduction In this post, we will start with the basics of kubernetes, some terminologies and basic building blocks of its infrastructural bits and the workload objects. We will also learn basics of kubernetes cluster and will also look at kubectl for cluster management. For this post, I am assuming that you are already familiar with … Read more

AWS Application Deployment Basics – Docker Containers

Introduction In previous few posts in this series, we deployed and ran couple of applications on our EC2 based infrastructure. Here is how our architecture currently looks like from the previous post: Our applications are running in private subnet and NGNIX working as reverse proxy is allowing access over the internet. Today, we will just … Read more

Getting Started with Docker and Containerize your Applications (Book)

Docker is changing how we distribute and install software and it is a very popular tool in many areas of software development as well. You don’t have to wait to use docker until you roll it out to your production environment. You can start with it straight away in your development workflow. I am using … Read more

Node – RED

Node RED is powerful, extensible, graphical programming environment. It’s a flow based modelling tool which make it easy to create event-driven applications in a simple & intuitive ways. Its built on top of NodeJS and provides a browser based editor for wiring flows together. Node RED development environment is actually a web page running on … Read more