Storage Volumes in Kubernetes

Introduction In previous post, we learn the basics of how storage works in kubernetes. We learned that for statefull application, we need to persist data beyond container or pod life and how kubneretes have volume plugin mechanism to help us using existing storage solutions for our applications. We then started with a very basic type … Read more

Storage in Kubernetes

Introduction Storage is very important in every statefull application. In a typical on-premise setup, we usually have some dedicated storage e.g. a network file server, disk arrays etc. These storages will have bunch of volumes. We then expose those volumes to our servers and server will use those volumes as local disks and our applications … Read more

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) – Getting Started

Introduction I have written few posts on kubernetes and how to start with it. Today, we will see how to start with EKS, a managed kubernetes service from AWS. In this post, we will cover the very basics e.g. EKS introduction, what necessary tools need to be installed, we will also create a cluster and … Read more

Deploying a Web Application to Kubernetes – Basics

Introduction I have previously written few posts on Kubernetes basics. There we covered some building blocks and how to get started with it. Here is the high level information about the core Kubernetes resources: you can read more details about these from the following earlier posts: We have done some demos in those posts. However, … Read more

AWS CLI Basics – Part 3

Introduction In previous posts on this topic, we learned how to install, configure and use AWS CLI. We also learned how to create a static S3 based website using AWS CLI. Today’s we’ll learn few basics about IAM Users, Groups and permission management. Creating IAM Users is a very common task, however managing each individual … Read more

AWS CLI – Basics

Introduction You might be using AWS Web Console for managing your infrastructure. However, AWS Web Console is really ideal for once in a while kind of tasks. As you get more serious about building your AWS footprint, you’ll need to automate. Meet AWS CLI, that makes it relatively easy to launch any AWS action from … Read more

AWS Application Deployment Basics – Docker Containers

Introduction In previous few posts in this series, we deployed and ran couple of applications on our EC2 based infrastructure. Here is how our architecture currently looks like from the previous post: Our applications are running in private subnet and NGNIX working as reverse proxy is allowing access over the internet. Today, we will just … Read more

AWS Application Deployment Basics – .NET Core Apps

Introduction In previous two posts in this series, we have setup a VPC with public and private subnets, launched EC2 instances. Setup PostgreSQL database and deploy a Nodejs application which we served via NGINX reverse proxy mechanism. We have the following architecture in place: If you are new to these topics, you can first check … Read more

AWS Applications Deployment Basics – Part 2 (Setup NGINX)

Introduction In the previous post of this series “AWS Application Deployment Basics”, we setup a PostgreSQL database and then we connect to it via a Nodejs application. However, the Nodejs application is running on the same machine and database access is local for it. It is a totally valid setup and because it is on … Read more