Build a simple Chat Room using Mediator Pattern (C#)

Introduction I’ve previously written about Mediator pattern and how it encapsulates object’s interaction and communication. This pattern promotes loose coupling between software components. It acts as a communication hub and it facilitates one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many communications. We than saw an example of Vehicles Control Center where vehicles position is communicated to control center. We … Read more

Deploying a Web Application to Kubernetes – Basics

Introduction I have previously written few posts on Kubernetes basics. There we covered some building blocks and how to get started with it. Here is the high level information about the core Kubernetes resources: you can read more details about these from the following earlier posts: We have done some demos in those posts. However, … Read more

Kubernetes Basics – Deployments

Introduction In previous posts on Kubernetes basics, We learned that Kubernetes is all about running containerized apps. A Kubernetes cluster consists of masters and nodes which we can manage through an API using kubectl command line tool. We also learned that Pods are the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes API and Pod hosts the container(s). … Read more

Structure JavaScript Code Using Modules

Introduction Most people (including myself) start out writing JavaScript code by adding function after function into a .js or HTML file. This can get job done but same time can quickly get out of control when working with a lot of code. Without having proper structure, maintaining such code bases, can be a nightmare and … Read more

AWS Application Deployment Basics – .NET Core Apps

Introduction In previous two posts in this series, we have setup a VPC with public and private subnets, launched EC2 instances. Setup PostgreSQL database and deploy a Nodejs application which we served via NGINX reverse proxy mechanism. We have the following architecture in place: If you are new to these topics, you can first check … Read more

AWS Applications Deployment Basics – Part 2 (Setup NGINX)

Introduction In the previous post of this series “AWS Application Deployment Basics”, we setup a PostgreSQL database and then we connect to it via a Nodejs application. However, the Nodejs application is running on the same machine and database access is local for it. It is a totally valid setup and because it is on … Read more

AWS Applications Deployment Basics – Part 1 (VPC and PostgreSQL Setup)

Introduction In this series about deploying applications in AWS, I will discuss different methods and steps required to run different applications in AWS. We will be covering different moving parts in AWS as needed to run typical applications. This series will be arranged in different parts to discuss different services, topics and/or technologies needed for … Read more

Node Dependency Management (Part2)

Introduction In my previous post about Nodejs – Dependency Management, we looked at basics of what is Nodejs module. How can we use module.exports and require to work with dependencies. How folder dependencies work and why they are useful. We all look at how Nodejs lookup system works to look for dependencies and some basics … Read more

Structure JavaScript Code

Introduction Modern JavaScript frameworks like Angular, Vue etc have built-in mechanism to structure JavaScript code. When not using these frameworks, we can use simple techniques to structure our JavaScript. In this post I will show you one of them using Revealing module pattern. This pattern is very popular and there are great many resources online … Read more

AWS Security Groups Basics

Introduction Security Groups are one of the fundamental concept you need to learn when you are setting up infrastructure in AWS. Having good understanding of their working will help you not only design proper access for your EC2 instances but you will be also able to quickly spot and deal with issues with existing designs. … Read more