Local Logins using ASP .NET Core and JWT

Introduction Some line of business (LOB) applications or internal systems have predefine set of users and corresponding login information. In situations like those using a database mechanism to store user information is an overhead. Combine this overhead with Microsoft’s heavy duty implementation of Identity framework with persisting roots in entity framework, you have a recipe … Read more

Dynamic C# Introduction

Introduction C# is generally considered as a statically typed language. However it also offer very useful dynamic capabilities which comes handy in certain situations. In this post I will give you a very basic introduction of dynamic C#. Why Dynamic C# There are many reasons why you would like to use dynamic C# capabilities. Few … Read more

Generate PDF documents in .NET using PDFsharp

Introduction In this post, we will see how to create PDF documents in .NET using PDFSharp library. PDFsharp is the Open Source .NET library that easily creates and processes PDF documents on the fly from any .NET language. The same drawing routines can be used to create PDF documents, draw on the screen, or send … Read more

Getting Started with JAVA (for .NET Developers)

Introduction Every platform has its own weaknesses and strength and when selecting a platform you should off course also take into account the context of your organization and the goal that you want to achieve. Please remember, there is no best language or platform. They are only fit for purpose. The intention of this post … Read more

Observer Pattern in .NET

Introduction I have previously written few posts about delegates, .NET Events, Events Args to show that similar to real world events, we can use this concept in our code and how useful they are in certain scenarios. In this post, we will see that those types are a good candidate for implementing observer pattern without … Read more