Build a simple Chat Room using Mediator Pattern (C#)

Introduction I’ve previously written about Mediator pattern and how it encapsulates object’s interaction and communication. This pattern promotes loose coupling between software components. It acts as a communication hub and it facilitates one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many communications. We than saw an example of Vehicles Control Center where vehicles position is communicated to control center. We … Read more

Working with XML Using C#

Introduction The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simple text-based format for representing structured information: documents, data, configuration, books, transactions, invoices, and much more. It is a very common format and In this post, we will learn some of the basic ways to work with XML in C#. Getting Started XDocument and XElement are the … Read more

Token Based Security: Setting Up IdentityServer UI- Part 6

Introduction We have been discussing different parts of various Authentication/Authorization requirement scenarios. We also covered some theory and saw some demo code regarding OAUTH, OIDC, Identity Server etc. In previous post, we learned how to configure IdentityServer, AllowedScope of a client application and how to make a PasswordTokenRequest for the scopes to UserInfo Endpoint. Currently … Read more

TokenBased Security, OAUTH, OIDC, IdentityServer – Part 5

Introduction In previous post of this series, we saw different flows to get the token from IdentityServer and then pass those token as Authorization Headers in our HTTP Calls and client application was able to get the data as expected. Today, we will continue our journey and learn more about users and claims. So, if you are new … Read more

Token Based Security, OAuth 2.0, OIDC and IdentityServer4

Introduction We all know the username/password mechanism of login to a web application. We also might have heard, used or implemented authentication/authorization systems, with or without frameworks. Token-based security is one of common mechanism to secure backend APIs. A common architecture for web applications typically consist of a web client app (e.g. an Angular or … Read more

AWS Application Deployment Basics – .NET Core Apps

Introduction In previous two posts in this series, we have setup a VPC with public and private subnets, launched EC2 instances. Setup PostgreSQL database and deploy a Nodejs application which we served via NGINX reverse proxy mechanism. We have the following architecture in place: If you are new to these topics, you can first check … Read more

Dare mighty things – ASCII

Introduction NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover landing was a historic moment. First time, we saw those moments of a rover landing on the Mars. That event was huge for many people watching this on their screens and it will inspire us for years. Every single image we saw after this landing contains a new surprise and … Read more

Fasten your Data Layer with Dapper (A .NET Micro ORM)

Introduction Dapper is .NET based light-weight, fast and simple to use Micro ORM created by brilliant Stack Exchange team. The word ORM means Object Relation Mapper, means it facilitates mapping b/w .NET objects and database and that is its focus. One great thing about Dapper that it works with any database. So, its not just … Read more