Building and Deploying a SignalR Chat Application – Part 1

Introduction In previous post on topic of Real-Time Web using SignalR we discussed how this library simplifies adding real-time web functionality to applications. Today, we will continue forward from our previous learning and start setup a very simple chat application. Furthermore, to cover topics on frontend, backend and deployment, following structure is planned: So, lets … Read more

Real-Time Web using SignalR (.NET6, Browser-Client and NodeJS)

Introduction ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time web functionality to applications. It enables server-side code to push content to clients instantly. Maps, Dashboards, Chat systems, Collaborate apps and different type of push notifications etc. are few of the good candidates for real-time functionality / SignalR. In this post, we’ll see … Read more

Using Reflection in C# – Part 2

Introduction In part-1 of this series, we started our journey with reflection basics. We learned that Reflection is the process by which a software can observe and modify its own structure and behavior. For that to happen, we need helper objects to dynamically create instance of a type, bind the type to an existing object … Read more

Communication using Named Pipes (.NET)

Introduction Named Pipes are a mechanism for instant messaging between processes. Following diagram shows a simple communication setup using Named Pipes: The Server open a named pipe. A client can listen to that pipe. The client will receive message in real-time, the server send to the pipe. The client must know the name of the … Read more

AWS Cognito and Web Applications – Protecting and Accessing APIs (JavaScript and .NET Core)

Introduction A typical web application consists of a frontend (HTML, JavaScript, CSS), a backend (e.g. REST API) and database for persistence. Frontend typically communicate over REST calls to the backend for services. Token based authentication is a very common way to manage authentication and authorization information back and forth in the web applications. Applications need … Read more

AWS CloudWatch Basics (.NET and NodeJS Applications)

Introduction AWS CloudWatch is Amazon’s monitoring service which provides logging and alarm functionalities and used with almost every AWS service available. Monitoring helps us drive to improvements of the experience for our stakeholders and architecture. CloudWatch monitors AWS resources using matrices, alarms and alerts. Using the matrices, you can have alarms fire (e.g. CPU utilization … Read more

.NET On AWS – Basics

Introduction .NET platform can be used to build variety of different applications. You may be developing .NET applications for on-prem or azure cloud solutions. But you may not know that AWS is supporting and investing in .NET development for more than a decade. In this post, we will learn the basics of .NET development and … Read more

Traversing Galaxies through Enumerable, Enumerator and Yield Return (C#)

Introduction What’s going on, you may be wondering by reading title of this post. Well it is that I am a little bit excited by this morning news of James Web Telescope reaching the L2 orbit. Or it may be that I am binge watching “Lost in Space” series on Netflix. But don’t worry, we … Read more

Manage Hierarchies with Composite Pattern

Introduction The composite design pattern generalize a hierarchical structure. It helps deal with tree structure of information. This make things easier for clients due to uniform way to work with individual items and for collections. Lets start by stating that composite is not composition (composition is another useful software design approach. Decorator pattern utilizes composition). … Read more