Import Bootstrap and Font-Awesome using Parcel JS

Introduction In previous post, I talked about importing jQuery and jQuery UI modules in our JavaScript code using Parcel JS. Today, I want to share that how to include bootstrap and font-awesome packages in our application. We will be continuing with the same code-base from previous post. However, I created a new branch (bootstrapimport), so … Read more

Building Charts using C3.js

In this post, I will show you how to build charts in your web application using C3.js reusable charting library. Introduction C3.js is D3.js (D3 = Data Driven Document) based JavaScript chart library. It is simple to use, customizable and provides a nice API. It can be used to create visualizations using SVG, HTML & … Read more

Bootstrap Responsive Patterns

Bootstrap has been for a long time, the de facto framework for building responsive websites. However, if not used properly, then it might lead to very bad designs. In recent days, there have been inclusion of a lot of other front-end frameworks e.g. Material Design, and same time bootstrap has been evolved to simplify the … Read more