Angular – Working with Data

Introduction In previous posts, we’ve started with angular basics and created an angular application. We learned that an Angular application is an interaction of the following Angular artifacts ComponentsServicesDirectivesPipesModules We’ll continue our learning and today we’ll see few more examples. We’ll learn about angular services and then use the service in component to work with … Read more

Angular – New Application Basics

Introduction In previous post, we started with Angular basics and setup an angular application. Today, we’ll continue our learning with some more angular basics such as components, and simple data binding with HTML elements. Components Modules Modules provide a way to organize our application. Every Angular application must have a “root module”, which is required … Read more

Angular – Creating a New App

Introduction Angular is a framework for dynamic web applications. It provides a way to organize your HTML, JavaScript and CSS to keep your front-end code clean. An Angular app is an interaction of the following Angular artifacts In this post, we will create a very simple angular application using angular-cli. Steps Install npm Install Angular … Read more