Deploy a Web Application using AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Introduction EKS is a managed kubernetes service and it helps us greatly by abstracting most of the infrastructural concerns regarding control plane, softwares etc. which make it easy for us to focus more on application deployment side. Earlier I have written a post which shows a simple way to deploy an application to local kubernetes … Read more

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) – Getting Started

Introduction I have written few posts on kubernetes and how to start with it. Today, we will see how to start with EKS, a managed kubernetes service from AWS. In this post, we will cover the very basics e.g. EKS introduction, what necessary tools need to be installed, we will also create a cluster and … Read more

Deploying a Web Application to Kubernetes – Basics

Introduction I have previously written few posts on Kubernetes basics. There we covered some building blocks and how to get started with it. Here is the high level information about the core Kubernetes resources: you can read more details about these from the following earlier posts: We have done some demos in those posts. However, … Read more

Kubernetes Basics – Deployments

Introduction In previous posts on Kubernetes basics, We learned that Kubernetes is all about running containerized apps. A Kubernetes cluster consists of masters and nodes which we can manage through an API using kubectl command line tool. We also learned that Pods are the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes API and Pod hosts the container(s). … Read more

Kubernetes Basics – Services

Introduction In previous two posts on Kubernestes basics, we covered some fundamental concepts, a high level overview and then started working with Kubernetes cluster and Pods. We learned that Kubernetes is all about running containerized apps. A Kubernetes cluster consists of masters and nodes which we can manage through an API using kubectl command line … Read more

Kubernetes Basics – Pods

Introduction In previous post about Kubernetes basics, we learned that a kubernetes cluster is made of masters and nodes. Masters contains the cluster control plane and nodes are where we run our applications (containers). We also learned about workload objects in kubernetes such as Pods, services and deployments. Today, we will learn more about pods, … Read more

Kubernetes Basics

Introduction In this post, we will start with the basics of kubernetes, some terminologies and basic building blocks of its infrastructural bits and the workload objects. We will also learn basics of kubernetes cluster and will also look at kubectl for cluster management. For this post, I am assuming that you are already familiar with … Read more

Import Bootstrap and Font-Awesome using Parcel JS

Introduction In previous post, I talked about importing jQuery and jQuery UI modules in our JavaScript code using Parcel JS. Today, I want to share that how to include bootstrap and font-awesome packages in our application. We will be continuing with the same code-base from previous post. However, I created a new branch (bootstrapimport), so … Read more

Import jQuery and jQuery-UI using Parcel JS

Introduction In my previous post I talked about Parcel JS and how it is a very easy to use JavaScript Bundler. Today, we will see how to import and use JQuery and JQuery-UI libraries in our application when using Parcel JS. Above mentioned libraries are very common and powerful in most of the applications. So, … Read more

Event Logs in .NET Core Worker Application

Introduction Logging is essential for software development practices, but it’s often underestimated until the program crashes. Logging serves numerous purposes including root cause analysis, bug analysis, and even performance reviews for the application. There are great many libraries and approaches about how to incorporate Logging in your application. But sometimes we just need very basic … Read more