OpenAPI – Generate and use Angular Client Code

Introduction In one of earlier post, we discussed that An OpenAPI specification is a standard which describes the capabilities of our API, and how to interact with it. We also demonstrated a .NET Core Web API application integrated with OpenAPI/Swagger. If you haven’t already, I’ll suggest to check the previous post for background information, as … Read more

Konva – Transforming Shapes

Introduction In previous post we started with Konva introduction and wired it up in our angular application. Today we’ll continue our journey and learn about another useful feature of konva which helps us implement transformations with very little effort. If you haven’t already, please check the previous post for background information and we’ll be using … Read more

NgRx – Strongly Typing the Actions

Introduction This is the third post on topic of NgRx. Previous two posts are available on the following links In this post, we’ll cover how to strongly type our actions. In NgRx world, its the action that makes the application go. When user click something, we kick-off an action. Need to load data, we kick-off … Read more