Getting Started with Docker and Containerize your Applications (Book)

Docker is changing how we distribute and install software and it is a very popular tool in many areas of software development as well. You don’t have to wait to use docker until you roll it out to your production environment. You can start with it straight away in your development workflow. I am using … Read more

Getting Started with JAVA (for .NET Developers)

Introduction Every platform has its own weaknesses and strength and when selecting a platform you should off course also take into account the context of your organization and the goal that you want to achieve. Please remember, there is no best language or platform. They are only fit for purpose. The intention of this post … Read more

Observer Pattern in .NET

Introduction I have previously written few posts about delegates, .NET Events, Events Args to show that similar to real world events, we can use this concept in our code and how useful they are in certain scenarios. In this post, we will see that those types are a good candidate for implementing observer pattern without … Read more

Delegates, can’t live with them, can’t live without them.

Introduction There is a famous quote by Jim Henson: “If you can’t beat them. Join them”. It’s possible to write code for years without deliberately using delegates. I say “deliberately” because we may have used them without realizing it. Knowing what these types represent makes reading code easier. Knowing how to use them adds some useful … Read more

Moving Forward with .NET Events, Event-Handlers and CustomEventArgs

Introduction In the previous post on Events, we talked about how we are surrounded by events and how useful they can be when writing loosely coupled code. We saw how we can define events, raise and finally handle events. If you haven’t already then I will suggest to read that post for the background and … Read more

Introduction to .NET Events and Event- Handlers

Introduction Our physical world is surrounded by events e.g. Door Opened, Engine Started, Plane landed etc and we see events in the virtual world as well e.g. email received, friend-request sent, post liked etc. This is a very common concept, many programming languages support this and in this post we will see that how we … Read more

.NET Core Logger using Serilog – Part 4

Introduction Earlier in the series, we started putting together an implementation of log messages. We are using ASP.NET Core Web Application and Serilog library. We defined various types of logs and then put together small codebase which hooks up in ASP.NET Core pipeline easily and leverages its infrastructure as well. In previous post of this … Read more

.NET Core Logger using Serilog – Part 3

Introduction Welcome back. In the previous part of this series, we centralized exception handling logic using ASP .NET Core Middleware and our Web Helper for logging concern. We saw the error messages are being persisted to the corresponding file. In this post we will see how to persist other type of logs as well (i.e. … Read more

.NET Core Logger using Serilog – Part 1

A simple .NET Core logger implementation using Serilog library. Introduction Logging is very important part of any software application. It might be needed for various reasons. You might want to log e.g. for one or all of the following reasons: What your website users do on your website? Which page are popular on your site? … Read more